Recovery is HARD

There’s no way around it…recovery from this surgery is tough. I am almost three weeks out and it has been hard to think straight about what to put on my blog.  I guess this counts as another milestone in recovery to actually feel up to writing!

David (aka Husband/Man-of-the-Century) has been taking care of me non-stop with help from family & friends who have graciously spent time with us grocery shopping, adjusting pillows & blankets, and making tasty sandwiches. While he has an amazing smile each day and makes us both laugh by imitating me (it’s kind of funny to watch me try to pick things up) David is looking forward to the day that I can return to making him sandwiches. Let me tell you, I can’t wait for that day either!

We go for walks around the neighborhood once or twice a day. I am getting better at rolling in and out of bed without any help and I can still hold my own in a game of Scrabble or Boggle. Los Angeles has proven to be exactly as the rumors go, that there are people everywhere at all times and they all drive no matter where they are going! We are so used to our one horse town of Woodland but have put our iPhones to use in checking the traffic before we dare drive anywhere. I sit in the back seat (more comfortable and a little safer) and David totes me to places where we can walk and get a change of scenery.

Christmas came and went as another good day of healing. We had an amazing Christmas Eve dinner at my brother and sister-in-law’s in Redondo Beach (that’s the farthest I’ve gone away from “home” yet) and then my Dad, brother and sister-in-law spent Christmas Day with us at the condo. My mom is still recovering from a cold that got hold of her after my surgery.

Christmas night with Jes, Tony and David (Dad as photographer). I am wearing the LiveSTRONG fleece that my Dad got me!

 I have x-rays and a post-op appointment on Tuesday with my surgeon here at UCLA. Depending on how I’m feeling (the “pain managment” aspect of this surgery has been extremely difficult for me – the pain meds work and I have been on them non-stop since surgery but they take me on a narcotic roller coaster of emotions and hot/cold flashes) we will spend a bit more time here until we pack up and head north. I have to move/change positions every half an hour or hour, so driving back home would be much like our honeymoon in which we road our bicycles up the coast of California. So, we’ll see!

Thanks to all who sent lovely cards of support and holiday joy. We love checking the mail and have turned it into a daily outing. :0)

Here’s to walking around bigger blocks and gathering sandwich recipes for future lunches!

love, Clare

13 responses

  1. Clare, you are really doing amazing! Think of where you were at just three weeks ago. To be able to move around like you are & travel, is huge. Jim & I have you in our healing thoughts everyday. The love & friendship that surrounds you like a glowing aura will continue to help you heal and restore your health & energy. Happy, happy holiday—rak na jup jup, Marilyn & Jim

  2. Clare,
    you continue to be an inspiration to all that know you and also to those who don’t know you…for I brag about your amazing spirit and good nature. That way the love and healing is coming your way from many locations!
    What an ace David is. But we knew that. Guess we will have to be thinking of more sandwich recipes for when you become the chef …
    Warm healing wishes coming your way. Sounds like you are in exactly the right place for nurturing and love.

  3. while it will keep getting harder for me to pick things up and put my shoes on, it will get easier for you! sounds like you are going to have to join the sandwich club now =) I’m at work trying to get ready for next week and what better way to procrasinate? love ya!

  4. Clare, soooo proud of you! Back on the blog, taking walks, pretty soon you’ll be gardening & shopping again :0) David, you are Clare’s rock and thanks for being so great in keeping us updated through all of this! Happy new years and much health and happiness in 2010 for both of you!!!! Love Lauri, taro & Tommy too

  5. Hi Clare (and David): Thanks for the updates! We’ve been thinking of you both, and look forward to your return to beautiful Yolo county. With best wishes for the New Year, Nina and John.

  6. Clare,
    You look Fabulous Darling!
    I got tired just reading about all the exercising you do 🙂
    Can’t wait to see you!


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